Permanent Diaconate Program
Restored after 1,500 years by Second Vatican Council, the Permanent Diaconate is rooted in the New Testament Church. The apostles chose deacons to help them respond to the pressing needs of the infant Church and to maintain fidelity to its mission of service. Deacons are called to embody the ideal of every follower of Christ, to be "one who serves." (Luke 22:27) Pope St. Paul VI implemented the recommendations of the Second Vatican Council in 1967. Since then, the diaconate has flourished in many countries around the world, including Canada. There are currently 81 permanent deacons serving in the Diocese of London.
What They Do: A permanent deacon's ministry evolves in response to specific needs and his God-given talents. There are three dimensions of diaconal service: Ministry of Love and Justice, Ministry of the Word of God, and Ministry within the Liturgy. Permanent deacons prepare the faithful to receive the sacraments and to carry out their vocations as baptized Christians. They are able to preach, teach, counsel and give spiritual guidance. They baptize, witness marriages and preside at wake services. In all that they do, permanentf deacons act as servants of the church.
For more information or to register as an inquirer, click on the following link which will take you to the Permanent Diaconate Formation & Study Programme website.