Dear Parents,
Welcome to this important time in your family’s life with Jesus Christ and His Church! This preparation time for First Communion marks a new chapter in your family’s faith life. Your child will be able to participate fully in the worship life of your parish by receiving Jesus in the Eucharist each week. The Sacrament of Eucharist celebrates the reception of Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord, who seeks to dwell always in our hearts. So, this preparation is not just for his/her “First” Communion; it is a preparation for a lifetime that only begins with First Communion.
First Holy Communion Preparation
A child who was baptized Catholic and is at least 7 years of age is eligible to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion after sufficient preparation.
Before receiving First Communion, a baptized child must receive preparation for and the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). During this coming year the children will participate in classes to prepare them to receive both of these very special Sacraments. We look forward to sharing with you and your child many opportunities to grow in your own faith and to nurture faith at home. May God bless you on this faith journey!
Please contact Francine if you have any additional questions, phone: 519-455-3217 ext 227 or email: [email protected]